Why Self-Help Books Will Ruin Your Life

Why Self-Help Books Will Ruin Your Life

So, I’ve received thousands of messages from people asking me for book recommendations.

And not one of them has ever given me ANY sort of context – no mention of any specific challenge they’re trying to solve – or particular skill they’re trying to develop.

And I’ll tell you why – it’s because they’re not really looking to accomplish anything.

What actually they’re looking for, unbeknownst to then, is for things to somehow be accomplished for them.

Searching for a magical book that will awaken them to a secret knowledge that will somehow unlock their ability to take infinite, effortless  action.

This book does not exist.

And the reality of MOST modern self-help books is actually the opposite of what most people believe them to be.

Where the more that we consume them, the less able we are to actually do things.

Self help? More like self-destruction.

In this video, I’ll show you exactly what’s happening, and what you can do to get off the hamster-wheel of consumption, and back onto the path towards accomplishment.

1. Most Modern Self-Help Books Cause More Harm Than Good

“The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins is a perfect example of how a well-intentioned book can cause more harm than good.

This book can be summarized in a single sentence:

The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 and physically move or your brain will stop you.

It’s actually a pretty amazing piece of advice – I think that anyone who has actually applied it would agree.

But why, for a concept that can be FULLY summarized in a single sentence, do we need 239 f*cking pages?

I’ve read the book – the first 33 pages are literally just a build-up to how effective the 5 second rule is, along with how Mel discovered the rule –  – then on page 34 comes the explanation, and the remaining 205 pages are basically just an all-out-assault on the intelligence of anyone who reads them –

Testimonial after testimonial of people talking about how the 5 second rule changed their life.

Some of them told from the perspective of Mel, some of them copy and pasted from the Facebook group.

Now here’s the thing – anyone who actually reads the book through to the end, is going to be WEAKER as a result.

Let me explain:

Assuming the length of the audio book,  the average person will have spent 7 hours and 35 minutes of their life… reading a book… whose SOLE piece of actionable advice, is that you should take action on things within 5 seconds.

In other words, you’re reading a book that repeats over and over the importance of taking action within 5 seconds, while spending 7 hours and 35 minutes positively reinforcing not taking action.

And there are SO many other modern self-help books that follow this same format – blog posts that have somehow been bloated out to hundreds of pages.

Half the book consists of useless anecdotes, while the other half is just the same information repeated over and over.

I could name names – but instead, I’d love for you guys to comment below with the worst self-help books that you guys have read – and if someone else has already posted that book, give their comment a thumbs up if you agree.

I’m curious to see who you guys think the worst offenders are.

So, now that we’ve established why these books are preaching action while conditioning inaction – , It’s time to take a good look at what makes them so popular.

2. People Read Modern Self-Help Books To Feel Good, Not To Improve

In the modern age- there’s never a moment where we can’t immediately access something that makes us feel good.

We are born into a system where profit is the goal – and so by time we’ve reached the age where we get to start making decisions for ourselves, we’ve been fully indoctrinated… HARDWIRED…  to believe that we should always seek pleasure and avoid pain.

Nowhere is this belief more destructive than when it comes ANYTHING having to do with improving ourselves, where we should actually be SEEKING OUT pain and discomfort.

To grow we must challenge the  beliefs we MOST cherish, push ourselves PAST our perceived limits.

Pain and discomfort are INDICATORS that we are ACTUALLY growing!

Modern books understand that we’ve been conditioned to seek out pleasure in every moment, and so their authors have been conditioned to help us achieve just that.

This is why most of them are packed to the gills with ‘filler’ content like ‘success stories’.

And hey – as a business owner, I completely understand the value of using social proof to help shape expectation.

As humans, we’re much more likely to embrace a particular concept or strategy if we’re given examples of how other people have transformed their lives by using them.

And using ‘social proof’ in self-help books isn’t anything new.

Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” – published in 1937 – starts off with a couple of amazing success stories of people who successfully applied the knowledge that the author is about to share.

But unlike most modern self-help books, Hill then proceeds to actually share that knowledge, with extreme attention to detail.

Get the Dark Mode guide

The Dark Mode Guide

is a simple system designed to help you achieve a specific goal by facilitating the development of relevant habits and creating the perfect environment to make failure impossible.

This guide is about actually walking the path. It creates a perfect environment devoid of excuses and forces you to face who you are and what you need to do in a way that’s sustainable.

I’m ashamed to admit this, but there was a time, where I thought that ‘The Secret’ was the greatest book ever.

Why? Because others had told me that it was the greatest book ever.

Why did they think that? Because Oprah told them.

After reading it, the idea that I could ‘visualize’ an open parking space at the destination I was headed to – and then magically, sometimes finding one, made me a believer.

Years later, I mentioned my love of ‘The Secret’ to a girlfriend – who then proceeded to show me, point by point, why she thought the book was garbage.

How it conditions people to expect the universe to make things happen for them instead of making them happen for themselves.

Up until this point I had never heard ANYONE critique The Secret… which made me realize that I had never even had the faintest idea to think critically about it myself.

This is where I started to realize that most people don’t read self-help books critically –

They read them to feel good.

They don’t read self-help books to actually improve themselves.

They read them to FEEL like they’re improving themselves, without actually having to do anything.

Ok, so here’s my official “book recommendation”

First, make sure you have a goal.

Then, choose a book whose information you can read SLOWLY – no more than a chapter a day –  and apply CONSISTENTLY towards the realization of that goal.

The only way to actually learn something is to apply it –

Over time you’ll find that some of what you apply will stick, and most of what you apply, you’ll forget.

This is normal – and it’s part of the process of bringing information from theory to reality.

Part of the process of becoming your own person, with your own strengths and weaknesses.

I find that a lot of people, especially those who are ‘new’ to the concept of self-improvement, have the idea that they should read modern books because the knowledge is more recent, and thus more relevant.

This could not be further from the truth.

Classic self-help books are considered ‘classics’ because the information within those books is timeless. You’ll find that these books are JUST as relevant today as when they were written.

Books like “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz, and “The Tao of Pooh” by Benjamin are all books that I’ve read and consider to contain incredible knowledge when read slowly and applied consistently.

Then you can graduate to books like “The Tao Te Ching” or  Nietzsche’s “Beyond Good and Evil” –

These are books that will require you to have already taken a massive amount of action in life to possibly even BEGIN to be able to understand – and if you’re not ready, trust me, they will let you know.

If you need help figuring out goals I recommend that you check out my ‘Dark Mode’ system – which is a productivity system I developed for myself to help me set and then achieve big goals. You can grab it for free.

And as always – if you want more content like this and to be notified FIRST when that next video comes out, subscribe to my YT channel.

Unless your favorite book ever is ‘the 5 second rule’ – in that case you should probably leave this page.


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A (Real) Guide To Becoming Your Best Version

A (Real) Guide To Becoming Your Best Version

I spent most of my life feeling like I’d never really amount to much –  and this feeling only got worse after graduating high school – where it seemed like with each passing year, everyone around me was moving forward while I just stayed the same.

So if you told my younger self that one day I would move to another country, learn spanish and salsa, box and climb mountains , build a massive business, learn philosophy and discover spirituality.

That, as a lifelong introvert, one day I would make YouTube videos where I helped to illuminate this path for others.

If you told all of this to my younger self, I would have told you that you were out of your fucking mind.

Anyway – all of the big questions of personal development – ‘how can I develop confidence? Discipline? Work ethic? ‘How can I stop procrastinating? Stop making bad decisions. Stop feeling depressed?’

All of these questions are all rooted in a much deeper question – perhaps the question of questions: “How do I become my best version?”

Now, judging by the number of bullshit, pseudo-motivational  ‘how to be your best version’ videos there are on YouTube, two things are clear to me.

  1. A lot of people aspire to be their best version 
  2. A lot of people have no idea what the fuck ‘best version’ even means, let alone how to get there

So in this article – we’re going to go DEEP. I’m going to break down the complex psychological implications of all of this as I share the exact 3 steps through which I was able to become my best version.

Step 1: Understanding “Me” and “Ideal Me”

“How do I become my best version?”  … if we look closely, this actually implies two different people.

We have ‘me’ – who exists in the present moment –  and ‘my best version’ – an ideal version of me who exists at some future moment.

PRESENT ME is lazy, unproductive, weak, and sometimes masturbates in excess of 5 times per day.

IDEAL ME wakes up at 5am, effortlessly works entire days, and climbs mountains in his spare time.

So when we ask the question “how do I become my best version” what we’re really saying is that “I am me, right now, but that’s not who I want to be. Who I want to be, is the ME that I want to be, somewhere in a future moment”

These are two different people…  which implies something else really important: The reason that our ‘Present Me’ is not yet our  ‘Ideal Me’ can be summarized in a single word: CONTROL.

Because if we had control – then we would ALL go to the gym and have 6 packs, and instantly develop good habits… But that’s NOT what happens… instead we fail and procrastinate and delay things – because we LACK control.

For most people, it’s uncomfortable to acknowledge this.  I used to HATE the idea that I was not in control of myself because it made me feel weak… but here’s the thing.

Most people who begin this journey immediately start posting motivational bullshit to social networks and want to see themselves as a model for everyone else.

But wow are we supposed to BEGIN an AUTHENTIC journey of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT if we can’t even acknowledge the obvious stuff, like how weak (and probably also pathetic) we are RIGHT NOW IN THE PRESENT MOMENT BEFORE we make changes?

The acknowledgement that we LACK control – that we are not NEARLY what we COULD be, is what allows an AUTHENTIC journey to even begin in the first place.

Anything else is just delusion, and not the good kind.

I am me, in the present moment – a weak pathetic creature who has very little control over the sort of decisions and habits that will help me transform into who I want to be – my ‘ideal me ‘- who exists in the future and is primarily characterized by one thing – CONTROL.

Got it? Ok let’s move to the next step.

Step 2: Authentically Understand “Me”

Ok so we’ve got ‘Me’ and ‘Ideal Me’ – if we’re going to move any further we should probably work to have an authentic understanding of both of them.

So let’s start with the first one, ‘Me’. What exactly is ‘Me’ ?

Well, we might think we know, but let’s be honest here. For most of us, who we ‘THINK’ we are is not even close to who we ‘REALLY’ are.

We all know someone who thinks they’re things that they’re clearly not – these are ‘inauthentic’ people – and while this is easy to observe in others, it’s extremely difficult to observe in ourselves.

I’ll give you an example that most of you, if you’re being honest, will relate to.

In the past – when my friends shared accomplishments on social media – on a surface level I would feel and act as if I was happy for the person – but deep-down on a ‘root’ level I was jealous.

When my friends ‘failed’ – on a surface level I was supportive and compassionate -but on a root level… I actually wanted them to fail.

Now most of us don’t want to think of ourselves as being jealous and bitter – probably just as much as we don’t want to think of ourselves as weak –

And so even if we authentically experience these emotions, instead of acknowledging them, we instead choose to bury them beneath the mask of who we PRETEND to be.

There are lots of problems with this, but at least insofar as it has to do with becoming our ‘best version’, it is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT for us to honestly identify as much weakness within us as possible because this all comes together to form the STARTING POINT of the journey.

The AUTHENTIC starting point.

To acknowledge our lack of control and how the people around us truly make us feel IS how we come to understand our ‘Me’ more authentically, which is ½ of the ‘become my best version’ equation.

Being honest about how things REALLY made me feel allowed me to understand ‘Me’ on an authentic level, and in doing so I was able to realize that I felt ‘jealousy’ because I wanted the success of other people for myself.

I felt happy when others failed because their failures made me feel better about my own position in life.

THESE discoveries then led me to realize that my entire self-worth and everything about how I measured myself had to do with others – the external, fake world where, to make matters worse,  most of the successes people share are highly exaggerated, and most of the failures people share are to garner likes and attention.

Realizing this allowed me to stop comparing myself to others, and to start comparing ‘me’ to my ‘ideal me’ – which is the CORRECT comparison to be making if we want to become our best versions.

Now, instead of comparing myself to others, I simply see myself in them.

When people succeed, I see myself succeeding, and I feel genuine happiness.

When people fail, I see myself failing, and I am genuinely supportive and compassionate.

We are probably not who we think we are – and if we want to understand ourselves authentically, we should start by turning off the TV, disconnecting from social media, and at least temporarily REMOVING ourselves from the external world, because that world is governed by profit and virtually nothing is as it seems.

The external world doesn’t want us to authentically understand ourselves because there’s no profit in here.

The less we understand ourselves – the less capable we are of solving our own problems and dealing with our own issues -and  the MORE likely we are to seek out all sort of bullshit products and services to fix SYMPTOMS and NEVER root causes.

The external world programs us to believe that we are something that we are NOT- and who we REALLY are is waiting to be discovered in the INTERNAL where not even a 12 minute YouTube video can take us.

Get the Dark Mode guide

The Dark Mode Guide

is a simple system designed to help you achieve a specific goal by facilitating the development of relevant habits and creating the perfect environment to make failure impossible.

This guide is about actually walking the path. It creates a perfect environment devoid of excuses and forces you to face who you are and what you need to do in a way that’s sustainable.

Step 3: Authentically Understand “Ideal Me”

Most of us have a rough idea of our “ideal me” – The problem is – society generally has its own plans for what it WANTS us to be, and it’s very easy to confuse ‘who I THINK I want to be’ with ‘who I REALLY want to be’

I’ll share another personal experience and maybe you can relate.

During my early teens – When the other kids were playing outside, I was busy working on 3D renders of fighter jets, or writing reviews for the role playing video games that I used to play and posting them to a website I had designed entirely with HTML and photoshop.

But because my parents had different ideas of what ‘success’ meant – they steered me away from my passions and towards what they considered to be ‘high paying’ careers – my choices were basically banker, doctor, or lawyer.

To make a long story short… I spent 5 years getting a degree in economics – and a couple more years fumbling around in internships and jobs that I hated before somehow stumbling back into building websites ( something I was actually passionate about) and now many years later I own a massive real estate web design business.

Anyway my point in all of this is that the idea that I had of my ‘ideal me’ had been COMPLETELY defined by society and other external influences and yet I FULLY BELIEVED that being a high-paid banker was part of my ‘ideal me’.

It was only when I started building websites again THAT I came to more authentically understand my true ‘ideal me’ -at least the occupational part.

Our ‘ideal me’’ also has expressive, physical, and mental components, and we’ve got to work to authentically understand those parts as well, which is NOT EASY because society already has plans for us.

Now as far as how YOU can discover your ‘Ideal Me’.. well that’s a really good question.

I think that if your ‘ideal me’ is something along the lines of a famous, rich person, with a huge mansion and lots of cars… then that’s probably an indication that you have a lot of work to do.

To discover your authentic ‘ideal me’ – I’d recommend taking a closer look at things you truly enjoy doing when nobody else is around.

If you’re not sure what you really enjoy doing, then just keep doing more things… out there in the real world.


Alright guys, If we want to become our ‘best versions’, then we had better understand what that means in the first place –

To that end, I hope this article has been helpful – if you feel that it has, please give the video a like and consider sharing with friends.

Now here are two final pieces of advice that should help you bring this all home.

First, is that if you don’t feel tremendous motivation to make progress on this journey – then you probably have very inauthentic understandings of ‘me’, ‘ideal me’, or both.

Because regardless of how much effort this all takes, it should feel effortless because authentic progress is far more rewarding than it is difficult.

You will NEVER become your best version if what you’re chasing are inauthentic, false constructions of society.

And my second recommendation – and this may come as a surprise – is to keep in mind that your ‘ideal me’ is not your ‘best version’.

Ideals are perfect things and so your ‘ideal me’ is simply what you should aspire to. Unlike ideals, we are not and will never be perfect things, and so your ‘best version’ is simply what you become when you live mostly in accordance with what your ‘ideal me’ stands for.

This is the path!


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How to (Quickly) Turn Depression Into Motivation

How to (Quickly) Turn Depression Into Motivation

I spent most of my teens and early 20’s feeling depressed, despite talking with friends and family, spending hours every day… mostly at night… scrolling through internet forums learning about how others cured their depression, and I even met with professionals.

And we’ll talk about how useless these things were shortly, because what I really want to focus on today is a different way to treat depression that you won’t read about in any book or hear about in other videos.

Once I FULLY understood it – it didn’t JUST cure my depression… it turned me into a GOD.

Ok it didn’t turn me into an ACTUAL God, but it made me GodLIKE – transforming me from an average mortal who never did any of the stuff they always promised themself they would do – into the exact opposite of that.

The massive business I’ve built, my investments, the salsa, boxing, smoking hot girl and of course my growing action figure collection –

All of it is because of the uncommon knowledge that I’m about to share with you. To understand, we’ll need to go on a journey of 4 steps, starting with:

Step 1: Hitting Rock Bottom

In 2011, I found what I thought was the girl of my dreams. A few months later she left me to get back together with a past boyfriend of hers who was smart, successful, spiritual, and philosophically inclined –

While I was just some loser whose entire existence revolved around New York sports teams and getting drunk on weekends.

So when she left me,  I was POSITIVE that I would NEVER find a girl like her again, and for all of the depression I had experienced up until that point in my life, this was the worst.

At first I did everything we’re  ‘supposed’ to do to get better, and when that didn’t work, I decided I would just ‘wait’ for the pain to end… and that’s when a miracle happened.

I was smoking a cigarette on the rooftop of the building where I lived, gazing woefully onto the New York City skyline as I had done every night for months, when suddenly a little after midnight on March 11, 2011, I officially hit the absolute lowest point of my life.

I know this because the very next moment was when everything changed.

In a fraccion of a second, less time than it takes to snap your finger, I awakened to the mind-blowing revelation that I didn’t HAVE to experience depression the way that society had taught me to experience it – but that I could instead use it as ENERGY.

In understanding this, I felt an unimaginable power enter my body. I flicked my cigarette away and started jumping as high as I could, tears streaming down my face.

Then I ran back to my apartment, and OBSESSIVELY began doing  ALL of the things that I always knew I had ought to do but never was quite able to do – starting with – for the first time in my life – ordering a book.

From that day forward, I would start every morning with a few chapters and a cup of coffee, and from there it was game on.

I completely cut myself from friends and social media. No procrastination, no distractions – every second of every day spent working towards realizing my true potential.

In my career, I quickly went from earning very little for designing websites that took me MONTHS to complete – to earning thousands of dollars designing websites that now only took me days.

In my physical, I went from having never run more than a few blocks, to running, biking and swimming for hours every day – a year and 2 months later I would fly to South Africa to compete in my first ironman…

And you guys more or less know the rest…

Now here’s the thing – to fully understand what I’m trying to share in this video – we need to be able to look into the mirror and ACTUALLY be honest with ourselves – we probably are already at rock-bottom.

Incapable of doing the things we know we should be doing, which has caused us to fall far behind in life. We know we have to change, but we’re completely powerless to do so.

So why the hell are we spending so much time trying to improve something that’s already  broken when COULD be doing the exact opposite?

FUCK self-improvement, self-DESTRUCTION is where it’s at. When we destroy what we presently believe ourselves to be, we FREE that thing that we might become.

This all starts by systematically destroying the fundamental truths that constitute present reality, which is a lot like a prison. This is a long process which I’ll talk about in other videos, but for now let’s start by talking about the ‘reality’ of depression.

Step 2: Understand How Society ‘Distorts’ Depression

We’re taught that depression is a long-term mental illness that requires treatment from a trained medical professional, who can decide whether or not we should be put on medication to help alleviate symptoms. Nothing inherently wrong with this.

When those around us see that we’re depressed, they encourage us to ‘take our mind off of things’ by hanging out with friends or doing something that we enjoy. They try to help us, because they care about us. Nothing inherently wrong with this either.

But here’s the thing, everything that society encourages us to do – Confide in others, Seek help, take medication, distract ourselves – these are all EXTERNAL remedies that do NOTHING to address the underlying root of depression which is of course  an INTERNAL problem.

And we NEVER hear about internal solutions, because the primary goal of modern society is PROFIT, and there is absolutely NO profit to be made in our inside.

Imagine for just a second, how catastrophically the world economy would collapse if everyone first looked internally to solve their problems instead of looking to EXTERNAL things.

What does that tell us about the true nature of reality?

Get the Dark Mode guide

The Dark Mode Guide

is a simple system designed to help you achieve a specific goal by facilitating the development of relevant habits and creating the perfect environment to make failure impossible.

This guide is about actually walking the path. It creates a perfect environment devoid of excuses and forces you to face who you are and what you need to do in a way that’s sustainable.

Step 3: Understand The True Reality of Depression

The societal beliefs surrounding depression are so concrete that it’s considered taboo to even REMOTELY question them.

Why? Why can’t we have a rational conversation about whether depression is possibly a  ‘choice’ without ravenous, mouth-foaming zealots shouting us down?

Depression itself is an ‘effect’ – and we know that every ‘effect’ has a cause, which in the case of depression is different for everyone.

Not being happy with who we are, or where we’re at in life, sexual frustration or the feeling that we’ll never find a good partner, a particularly difficult family or life situation or circumstance.

For most of us, Depression is the end result of feeling lots of these things for a sustained period of time, and what we ‘feel’ isn’t depression but rather ‘negative emotions’ – like sadness, loneliness, anger and fear, and this is precisely where the problem begins, because the idea of a ‘negative emotion’ is absurd… 

a fundamental truth that we plainly accept as one of the pillars that form our reality which I implore you to destroy.

Because if we look closely, there is a place before positive and negative, where emotions exist simply as emotions.

And in this place, we can choose how to perceive them – and this is where the power that I’m describing begins.

Step 4: Decide How to React to ‘Negative’ Emotions

When something HAPPENS to us – Maybe we fail a difficult assignment, we get fired from a job, someone we like rejects us, or it’s saturday night and we’re all alone… again.

Society teaches us that it is NORMAL to react NEGATIVELY to these things… but does it really have to be that way?

If we really think about it, isn’t it even a bit silly to react that way, which only makes things worse, when we could instead be making things better?

Because  if we look closely here as well, there’s a space between the things that happen to us and how we react to them.

When we feel powerless to fix our depression… It’s because we don’t see that this space exists.

And when we learn to observe this space, we can execute the following  formula that I use to channel my depression into godlike power:

First, something happens to us which usually causes us to feel some sort of negative emotion.

Then, instead of reacting “negatively” as we always do – we should CHOOSE to use to use the emotion as the FUEL to drive the ACTIONS that will instead MOVE US towards the AMAZING thing that we know we can become if we simply do the things that we know we MUST do.

As soon as we begin to do this – in that same space where we are now choosing to react positively to negative emotions, we can now start to PERCEIVE negative emotions AS positive because of the POSITIVE effect they are creating.

This is the formula.

Now I can’t stress enough that for this to work, we HAVE to be willing to challenge the things we currently accept as truth, which is easy if we just observe how profoundly those truths are limiting us.

After that, all that’s left is to try it with the full-belief that it will work. And if you’re not convinced, what do you have to lose by at least giving this a try?

For me this is no longer a formula that I need to practice, it’s simply who I am. I still feel sadness, anger, frustration etcetera, but I rarely react negatively to them.

Instead I channel them into the fuel I use to give me a life that I previously thought was impossible.

If you feel like you got something from the article, please like and subscribe to the YT channel,  and visit  nelsonquest.com to download  ‘Dark Mode’ for free – it will  give you a framework that will make it much easier to channel negative emotions into power.

This is the path.


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How Being Alone Became My Superpower

How Being Alone Became My Superpower

If you’re someone who ‘struggles’ with loneliness or has a hard time being alone… read this article through to the end and I promise that you’ll never look at being alone the same way again.

I spend a lot of time alone – and in this article, I want to talk about my relationship with loneliness, and how it has evolved over the years.

One of my favorite things to do at night is to look out my window.

I love the stark contrast of light versus darkness.

Tens if not hundreds of thousands of tiny lights – what an interesting sensation to realize that every single one of them represents ‘life’ in some shape or form.

I look out to some of the apartments in the building across from me.

In one apartment I can see kids and puppies running back and forth, while the adults hang out in the main room, sitting around in a circle of chairs… just … talking.

I love that about Colombia.

In another apartment, I can see the lights of the TV dancing off the face of someone bouncing up and down on an exercise bike.

In yet another apartment, someone is on their balcony, staring out into the distance – I wonder what they’re thinking about…

I like the exercise of observing my own loneliness within the greater context of those around me.

I don’t really have ‘social’ friends – It’s been years since it was a normal thing for me to ‘go out’ – even for a quick bite at a restaurant is a rare occurrence.

Weeks at a time where I wake up – spend the entire day doing my best to make progress towards my goals, and then I go to sleep.

Almost a decade of existing this way – I find that the more I embrace periods of ‘being alone’, the more that I am able to absolutely THRIVE in my personal and professional life… but it hasn’t always been this way…

There were a few specific periods in my life characterized by overwhelming loneliness, and understanding those periods has been an invaluable tool on my journey so far.

When I was 13 years old – puberty hit me hard. My face was so covered in acne that nobody wanted to be my friend. Even people who had previously been my friends, were now embarrassed to be seen with me.

It’s one thing to be alone in an empty room, it’s another thing entirely to be alone within a large group of people.

Every day felt like a full year – at lunch period, because I didn’t have a table to sit at, I’d grab my lunch, and when nobody was looking, I’d go to a bathroom stall and just sit there until the bell rang to signal the next period.

This was before cell phones, and so I didn’t have a digital companion –

It was just me, alone in that bathroom stall, counting down the seconds until the next period, afraid to death that someone would discover where I was going and what I was doing every day.

Thankfully, it turns out that people don’t care what you’re doing as much as you think they do.

School days couldn’t finish soon enough – I’d race home to where my real social was waiting for me – in the form of Role playing games.

First was Chrono Trigger – then Final Fantasy 7, and then Xenogears.

My only real social interactions were with the characters in these games. It’s where I learned my values – where I began to develop and understand that hard work and discipline was required to achieve difficult goals, and it fact it was hard work and discipline that made difficult goals even worth it in the first place.

It’s where I came to understand important traits and emotions, like honor, courage, loyalty, trust, and even love.

It was where I modeled ALL important archetypes like the hero, the dreamer, the martyr, the mentor.

I’d go to sleep feeling like I was still in those games – but every morning it was back to school – back to the reality of being alone… being a loser.

I was a loser, more than anything,  BECAUSE I was alone, BECAUSE I had no friends  – this was a universal rule… right?

Get the Dark Mode guide

The Dark Mode Guide

is a simple system designed to help you achieve a specific goal by facilitating the development of relevant habits and creating the perfect environment to make failure impossible.

This guide is about actually walking the path. It creates a perfect environment devoid of excuses and forces you to face who you are and what you need to do in a way that’s sustainable.

Fast forward a bit to March 2nd, 2011 – I was now 26 years old – it was close to midnight, I was on the roof of the apartment that I lived at, in Brooklyn NY.

I was staring out onto the Manhattan skyline. New York City has a funny way of either making you feel like you’re on top of the world, or making you feel like you’re being crushed by it.

I had been going through a massive depression – and while most of the day I was able to fill the void with mindless instant messaging and internet browsing, there was something about being alone at night that felt unbearable.

Just a few weeks earlier, a girl that I thought was the love of my life had left me to go back to a man that was FAR better than I.

And so standing alone on that roof, pulling on a cigarette, feeling more alone and depressed than I had ever been – I had an epiphany.

What exactly happened in that moment I’ll talk about in another video – but I returned to my apartment a COMPLETELY different person from when I had left it.

I spent the near year and two months in almost COMPLETE isolation – seeing friends and family only a small handful of times.

I began to immerse myself in books – I would read, and then I would apply.

For the first time in my life I had a desire to discover who I was, and to work hard to improve that person.

I decided that in roughly a year’s time, that I would compete in an ironman – and I went from someone who had never run more than a few blocks, to training up to 7 hours per day.

Every morning I’d get up from my warm blankets, and run over to the public pool where I’d throw myself into the freezing cold water to start my swim training.

I’d run at night time so that I could avoid the crowds – cold new york nights that took me over the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan, and then back over the Williamsburg Bridge into Brooklyn where I’d often be completely alone.

Every day was me, alone,  versus myself – and for the first time in my life, not only was I conscious of this battle… I was winning it.

On the weekends, long 7-hour bike rides that took me deep into New Jersey.

Every minute of those 7 hours, I was pushing myself – they say that most long-distance competitions, aren’t so much about endurance as they are about pain management, and I COMPLETELY agree.

Every time I trained, I was alone, and I trained every day, for hours at a time, for a YEAR AND TWO MONTHS – where every training session – there was always a part of me that wanted to stop – and every training session, the part of me that wanted to push harder, was more dominant.

I find that in all of the stories of my life, this is the one that I am least able to use words to communicate to others – that year and 2 months – being completely alone and working to overcome something I saw as so much greater than anything I had ever previously thought I was capable of…

When I look back now, this was the most beautiful experience of my life…. Up to this point 🙂

When I wasn’t training, I was reading. I was working on my skills as a website designer – where I went from working for free, or a measly few hundred dollars, building good websites that took me months to build – to getting paid thousands of dollars to build incredible websites, that took me a fraction of the time to build.

Working to improve myself in an environment where I was completely isolated – completely alone – I felt ever-present.

Why had I feared being alone before this point? Why had I always felt like a loser.

If we all have a unique essence, this is certainly mine. I thrive when I’m alone. This was certainly where I was meant to be. Meant to thrive.

Before my epiphany, I had treated ‘loneliness’ as something I had ought to just… avoid.

I never really thought about it – I just believed that being alone was bad.

This was the thought of a slave – a slave to a system designed to maximize profit at all costs.

If we are taught to FEAR being alone, well then that reduces the ‘RISK’ that we may go inside of ourselves and discover who we really are, like I did – risk that we may come to know ourselves on a deep level.

I say “risk” to know ourselves is not profitable to the system. Imagine what a catastrophe that would be if everyone knew themselves?

If we all suddenly realized that we didn’t need pills and shortcuts to fix our problems.

If we all suddenly realized that the consumption of material things can never lead to fulfillment – that consumption is a never-ending game where there will ALWAYS be something else that we need to consume to be happy.

If we all suddenly realized that to be ‘ok’ being alone, is ok.

In the years since my epiphany, there have still been numerous times where I’m alone – and I feel scared… where I don’t WANT to be alone.

Now of course there are legitimate reasons for that – times where I should feel pain when I’m alone, I mean after all, I want to find love. I want to raise a family.

But if I’m alone eating a meal, or alone in the bathroom, and I felt the urge to watch YouTube not for any specific reason beyond wanting to REMOVE that feeling of being alone – I realize that these are the tentacles of a system – the false reality – desperately trying to pull me back in.

In many ways, to exist within this system – as we all do – is a form of disease.

Browsing the internet – watching TV, – even just talking to friends – this is all part of the closed-loop of the system – and the more time we spend ‘not alone’ – the more we become infected.

Being alone… being OK being alone,  is the cure.

This is a huge benefit of meditation –

Meditation for me is the realization that there is only the now, and in this now, I am not alone, because in this now I am present with myself.

The more I understand that, the easier it is to be alone.

Now what’s interesting is that when I sit down to meditate, I’m essentially ‘going’ to the meditation.

But when I’m alone – 3am in the morning, writing words like the ones you’re presently hearing – when I’m alone, that’s when the meditation comes to me.

When I’m alone, staring out my window at the hundreds of thousands of lights and realizing that each one of them represents an individual life with it’s own unique experience…

I realize that I’m never alone.

Some of you watching may perceive this as sad or depressing, but if you spent some more time alone, perhaps you realize that what you’re perceiving is actually a deep reflection into yourself.

The happiest part of my day is waking up at 3am to complete silence – in a world that is so overwhelmingly noisy, I find that the silence now passes over me like a cool, relaxing breeze.

I write in my journal, meditate, and then sit in front of the computer, to work uninterrupted, for HOURS on end while the rest of the world sleeps.

I LOVE being alone.

Guys – i’m not trying to motivate, i’m not trying to tell you guys what to do, I’m not TRYING to do anything.

What I’m doing is sharing an experience that you guys can relate to and use to reflect within your own unique experiences and journeys.

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This is the path.


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